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(DVA) Peak Reading Voltage and Resistance Charts

*******     This information is supplied as a service guide only and is not liable for any misunderstandings, errors or omissions regarding this information. The information has been obtained from actual Unit analysis, parts manuals, and other sources.      ********

NOTICE: The resistance readings given are for a room temperature of 68 degrees Fahrenheit. Higher temperatures will cause a slightly higher resistance reading. DVA readings should always be taken with everything hooked up.
The CDI peak reading voltage adapter is specifically designed to work with FLUKE AUTO Digital VOLTMETERS. This adapter will simplify the testing of electronic Ignition systems, stators, and sensors. The peak voltage readings will be approximately the same as any other peak voltage meter, and the specifications in the test manuals can be followed without any major problems. STEVENS INSTRUMENT accessories for the CD-77 peak reading volt meter, SA5, SA6 (CDI#511-9756) and PL88 (CDI#511-9775), along with the CDI 511-9770 piercing probes are highly recommended for use with this adapter.
Instructions: Plug the adapter into the Fluke digital volt meter with the rib (+) plug in the (v, Ohms, *) jack, and the other plug in the (COM) jack. Set the switch on the Fluke meter to the DC voltage setting and connect the probes to the test points to be measured. This adapter will automatically compensate for polarity and all readings will be peak voltage. The Fluke meters are auto ranging and will read the proper voltage level without changing ranges. See the attached list of readings and instructions for testing most OMC and Mercury Outboard Ignition systems. Other ignitions can be tested if the manuals give peak voltage readings or is you test a known good Ignition system. 
CDI 511-9773 (DVA) Peak Reading Voltage Adapter and Resistance Chart
YEAR HP Type Ignition TRIG- GER CHG. Coil PWR Coil PWR Coil TRIGG. CHG Coil Pack Out-  PUT Comments
  Resistance Peak Voltage  
'89 up 4-55 CD2USL N/A 450-600 NA NA NA 150V 125V  
'85-'88 9.9-55 CD2 10-18, 36-45 450-600 NA NA 0.5V 150V 125V  
'87 up 2.5-4 CD2 40-50 430-530 NA NA 0.5V 150V 130V  
'95-'97 25-35 3 Cylinder. Optical Elec. Start see note 2 N/A 720-880 52-62 12V+ NA 150V 125V  
'95-'97 25-35 3 Cylinder. Optical Man. Start see note 2 N/A 1010- 1230 76-92 12V+ NA 150V 125V  
'72-'77 50-200 PP (Srw.Term) 10-20 450-600 NA NA 0.5V 150V 125V PP2 chg. coil ground
'67-'72 55-85 Battery CD Points NA NA NA NA NA 220V 9 1/2 min @ cranking  Note 5
'86-'94 60-75 CD3 38-45 450-600 NA NA 0.5V 150V 125V  
'95 up 60-70 CD3 12 amp chg. see note 1 750-950 360-440 12V+ 1.5V 150V 125V  
'95 up 65-70 CD3 6 amp charge 8-14 360-440 360-440 12V+ O.5V 150V 125V  
'77-'85 65-75 CD3 10-18, 36-45 450-600 NA NA O.5V 150V 125V  
'77-'87 85-140 CD4 10-18, 36-45 450-600 NA NA O.5V 150V 125V  
'67-'72 100-125 Prestolite 5-6 NA NA NA NA NA 220V 9 1/2 min crank volts  Note 5
'88-'95 88-155 CD4 6 amp Crossflow 36-45 500-620 NA NA 0.5V 150V 130V  
'88-'95 88-115 CD4 9-10 amp Crossflow 36-45 430-530 NA NA 0.5V 150V 130V  
'88-'95 V4 CD4 9amp Looper see note 1 430-530 86-106 12V+ 0.5V 150V 130V  
'88-'95 V4 CD4 35 amp Looper see note 1 765-935 86-106 12V+ 0.5V 150V 130V  
'96-'98 90-115 V4 Optical see note 2 1000-  1200 45-65 12V+ NA 200V 180V  
'77-'84 150-235 CD 3/6 35-55 450-600 NA NA 0.5V 150V 130V  
'85-'91 150-175 CD3/6 9 amp Crossflow 35-55 455-505 NA NA 0.5V 150V 130V  
'88-'90 150-175 CD6 35amp Looper see note 1 765-935 86-106 12V+ 1.5V 150V 130V  
'91-'92 150-175 V6 Optical see notes 2,3, & 4 495-605 86-106 12V+ NA 150V 130V  
'92-'99 150-175 V6 Optical see notes 2 & 4 495-605 45-65 12V+ NA 150V 130V  
'85-'88 200-225 CD 3/6 35-55 950-1050 NA NA 0.5V 150V 130V  
'89-'99 200-250 CD6/8 35 amp Looper see note 1 765-935 86-106 12V+ 0.5V 150V 130V  
1. These timer bases are hard to test. Please refer to the OMC Troubleshooting Section.
2. Optical triggers cannot be tested by an ohmmeter.
3. The pack has a black sleeve on the Trigger Harness. You may use either the black or gray sleeved stators.
4. If the pack has either a blue or gray sleeve on the Trigger Harness, you must use the gray sleeved Stator.
5.These units require a minimum of 9 1/2 volts at cranking and a maximum of 16 volts at wide open throttle.     
A. Most OMC ignitions charge coils are tested from brown to brown/yellow or brown/white Wire on Stator. See the detailed test specs for specific information.
B. all voltage tests on the Ignition to the coil should be done with the CDI 511-9775 load resistor to ground.

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